Alfred Newton

Curator Emeritus

Negaunee Integrative Research Center
Curator Emeritus

Alfred F. (Al) Newton is a research scientist affiliated with Field Museum since 1985 as Assistant Curator (to 1991), Associate Curator (to 2008), and now Curator Emeritus in the Zoology Department's Division of Insects.  His research is primarily on the taxonomy, classification, phylogeny and evolution of one large group of beetles (Coleoptera: Staphyliniformia, or rove beetles and allies) which is larger than Vertebrata and includes more than 83,800 named species worldwide.  He has conducted more than three years of field work worldwide, mainly in the United States, Mexico, Chile, Australia and New Zealand, and has produced about 150 peer-reviewed research publications as well as many scientific notes and reports, and contributed to building several web resources, including this NSF-funded PEET project and the online Catalogue of Life.

Contact: Integrative Research Center (Insects) Field Museum of Natural History 1400 South DuSable Lake Shore Drive Chicago, Illinois 60605-2496 USA Phone: +1 (312) 665-7738; FAX: +1 (312) 665-7754

Education and Work


Ph. D., Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; June 1973 (Thesis: A systematic revision of the rove beetle genus Platydracus in North America (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae); 318 pp., 222 figs.) A. M., Harvard University; March 1970 (chemistry) A. B. (With Highest Honors), Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey; June 1966 (chemistry) Riverside High School, Riverside, New Jersey; June 1962

Fellowships:     Richmond Fellowship (Harvard University), 1970-1973     Teaching Fellowship (Harvard University), 1969-1973     National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, 1966-1969     New Jersey State Scholarship, 1962-1966 Foreign Languages:     French (reading, limited speaking knowledge)     German (reading, limited speaking knowledge)     Spanish (reading, limited speaking knowledge)

Work Experience

Curator Emeritus, Department of Zoology, Field Museum of Natural History, January 2009-present Associate Curator, Division of Insects, Field Museum of Natural History, July 1991-December 2008 (Assistant Curator, November 1985-June 1991); Head of Division, September 1988-June 1998; Project Director, NSF collection facilities grants to Division, 1989-1995, 1996-1998; co-PI 2006-2009 Collection Manager, Entomology Department, and Curatorial Associate, Museum of Comparative Zoology (Harvard), February 1975-July 1985 Research Associate, American Museum of Natural History, November 1978-1984? Visiting Curator (Coleoptera, Staphylinoidea), Canadian National Colle...

Research Sketch

Higher classification, phylogeny, comparative morphology and evolution of the beetle group Staphyliniformia (superfamilies Staphylinoidea and Hydrophiloidea (including Histeroidea)), with current projects centering on the families Staphylinidae, Leiodidae and Silphidae; theory and practice of systematics, especially as applied to large and poorly known groups. Historical biogeography, especially of southern temperate regions, as illustrated by selected archaic groups of Staphylinoidea and Hydrophilidae; associated faunal surveys of Australia, New Zealand and Chile, and associated systematic studies. Biological, ecological and functional morphological aspects of the association of insects (especially Staphylinoidea) with fungi, carrion, dung and other localized/specialized microhabitats; associated fieldwork and systematic studies (currently, revision of New World Platydracus). Preparation of published and online identification guides, catalogs and collection databases of Staphyliniformia to facilitate systematic and ecological work on this group by others.

South AmericaMesoamericaMexicoGondwanaNeotropicsUSAAustralia