Death: Life's Greatest Mystery

Consider your own big questions about death as you explore natural and cultural responses to life’s inevitable conclusion.

Challenge what you think you know about death. In Death: Life's Greatest Mystery, explore cultural and biological perspectives that hold possible answers to some of life's biggest questions.

For many living beings on this planet, death is the greatest mystery of them all. Through artifacts, specimens, interactives, and immersive media experiences, discover amazing animal adaptations for survival and learn how various cultures commemorate life. Reflect on death as part of the cycle of life, and leave with a profound new understanding of life's most universal experience.



  • Gallery Requirements: 7,500 ft2 (700m2)
  • Ceiling Height: 12 ft
  • Shipping: One-way, inbound, paid by host venue
  • Language: All text in English and Spanish; language may be converted by host venues

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Bring Death: Life's Greatest Mystery to Your Institution

Contact us to learn more about hosting the exhibition at  or 312-665-7119 | 312-665-7311